All Classes, Trips and Arrivals, and Events Suspended at UO







Regulation No. 22/2020
of the Rector of the University of Opole
of March 10, 2020

on: special arrangements to prevent, counteract and combat COCVID-19 among employees, students, and doctoral students of the University of Opole 

Pursuant to article 23(1)(1) of the Act of 20 July 2018, Law on Higher Education and Science [Journal of Laws of 2020, Item1085] and in connection with the provisions of  Resolution No. 18/2020 of the College of Rectors of the University of Wrocław and Opole of 9 March 2020, and Resolution No. 19/2020 of the College of Rectors of the University of Wrocław and Opole of 10 March 2020, I order the following:

§ 1

1. As of 11 March 2020, I suspend classes conducted at the University of Opole until further notice.

2. I suspend all foreign business trips of employees of the University. I suspend international and domestic trips of students and doctoral students of the University of Opole, including those related to conferences, or student/doctoral programmes. I suspend arrivals of international visitors, including employees of other universities,their students, doctoral students, and other persons invited by the authorities of the University, its employees, Students’ Union, or Doctoral Students’ Union.

3. Due to the safety of the students I suspend, until further notice, all the cultural, sporting, scientific, educational, etc. events and activities.

§ 2

I cancel, until further notice, accommodation of new persons in halls of residence, and I also introduce a ban on visits by guests from outside, who do not have a residence card.

 § 3

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day of signature.

Rector of the University of Opole

Prof. Dr habil. Marek Masnyk