Rector’s Inaugural Letter to Students

Dear Students!
On October 1st we shall inaugurate the academic year 2020/2021 – 27th at the University of Opole and 67th in the history of our academic community. However, there has never been such an inauguration before.
The level of epidemic risk makes us start it in the formula of distance learning. Being richer in the experience of the past year we want to gradually restore the traditional model of university education, and we want to slowly return to normality.
The detailed way of conducting classes in the coming semester is described in internal legal acts – regulations, decisions, and announcements. Mainly lectures and classes will be conducted remotely. Remember, however, that classes in the direct contact form must be held under sanitary conditions: keeping social distance, disinfecting hands, ventilating and disinfecting classrooms, limiting the number of people in the classrooms. Out of concern for our common safety, I encourage you to wear masks and face shields. Remember to observe the rules of personal safety and hygiene in halls of residence, avoid any unjustified gatherings; maintaining social distance is one of the basic factors preventing the spread of the coronavirus epidemic.
For obvious reasons, this year’s inauguration will not take place in the traditional form. I hope, I deeply believe, that it will not happen again. I count on your help and support in overcoming these difficulties, please be patient, calm and understanding in these difficult moments. Each of us, however, must release new layers of empathy. The epidemic will pass and the University of Opole will last, because it is a project for many generations. We shall rise from this situation even stronger.
The inauguration of the academic year is primarily a student festivity. Therefore, there is no better place to carry it out than the Student Cultural Centre. I invite you on October 6 at 11 a.m. to a live broadcast of this celebration – we will post a link to it on our website just before it begins.
On the solemn day of the inauguration of the academic year, I wish you optimism and hope that studying at the University of Opole will be a good time to realise your life goals. I wish the academic youth, who start one of the most beautiful and important periods in their lives, the joy of studying, realisation of their passions and dreams. Pursue the goal with your master. Remember also the words of the author of the novel from your school years, Marek Twain: ““Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ”
I wish you a beautiful and joyful journey, filled with many intellectual experiences.
                                                                           Prof. Marek Masnyk
                                                                   Rector of the University of Opole